Unless you are above a certain age, the only time you may have seen a slide rule (or a slip stick, as we sometimes called them) is in the movies. You might have missed it, but slide rules show up ...
Before there were apps for tablets and smartphones, before mathematics education software was easily installed on personal computers, before electronic calculators entered professional practice and ...
Primarily for multiplication and division, the slide rule has two stationary sets and one sliding set of numbers in the center. To multiply, numbers are added; to divide, numbers are subtracted.
This merger added a range of PIC slide rules to their range. the plastic slide rules where introduced in the 1960s and in 1967 the company became British Thornton. The slide rule was the evelution ...
You have to really like slide rules to build your own, including the necessary artwork. Apparently [Dylan Thinnes] is a big fan, based on this project he began working on a few months back.
Why not just get rid of the slide? The slide comes from the rule regarding the manner in which a player can declare himself down. That can be done by falling to the ground or kneeling, and clearly ...
CBS Sports NFL insider Jonathan Jones reported on "The NFL Today" on Sunday that the NFL likely won't change its quarterback slide rules. Jones also said the league's message to quarterbacks is ...
Parsons’s solution seems relatively workable—if a player is clearly playing for the sideline or a slide, the play is dead. Even if the NFL can get such a rule in place in the near future ...
Slide rules such as this 20 inch example were the principal instruments for mathematical calculation until the development of the electronic calculator in the 1970s. It played an incalculable role ...