The Phelps twins host the show, which sees them reunite with former castmembers including Warwick Davis and Bonnie Wright, who return to the franchise as guest judges alongside foodies Carla Hall ...
James and Oliver Phelps, who starred in the “Harry Potter” movies as the iconic troublemaking twins, Fred and George Weasley, host a new Food Network show called “Harry Potter: Wizards of ...
As the Phelps twins announce the start of the competition, the bakers are seen frantically dashing around their work stations. The judges are heard commenting on the incredible detail on some of ...
The Phelps twins work the crowd, teasing the hundreds of fans gathered in front of Platform 93/4 at Times Square. "Today's the last day ever we'll be promoting Harry Potter [films]," says Oliver ...
Twins James and Oliver Phelps, who starred in the Harry Potter film franchise, will return as hosts of the show. Advertisement Season 1 aired between Thanksgiving and Christmas last year.