The original Guess Who member still loves music and is exactly why he's set to tour to celebrate the band's greatest hits. The Guess Who may have officially broken up after 10 years, but that's ...
Burton Cummings isn't worried about the Guess Who being snubbed by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. “I don’t think about the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame,” Cummings told in a recent ...
The unheard of legal move stops the current Guess Who from performing his songs, but also carries serious financial risk for Cummings. On the 50th anniversary of the song topping the chart ...
The Guess Who formed in 1958 but the Canadian rock band didn't become an entity of note until Burton Cummings joined the band ...
Bachman, of course, a founding member of The Guess Who, was already in the thick of Rock and Roll with that band, ...