The Galactic Empire's worst atrocity before using the Death Star to destroy Alderaan will make its live-action debut in Andor ...
Andor showrunner Tony Gilroy reveals more details on bringing one of the Empire's most horrific atrocities to life, including ...
The heat ray, allegedly invented by the Greek Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, is similar to the Death Star from Star Wars.
The Death Troopers are marching onward to the tabletops of Star Wars: Shatterpoint. It's the Galactic Empire's Elite!
They’re not quite the organized resistance that would front a galactic civil war yet, but they’ve been fighting the Empire in some form or another for a good long while. The Mask of Fear sits ...
Reign of the Empire… One of the time periods in the Star Wars franchise that has always been intriguing is the years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope where the Empire ruled with an iron fist ...