The DC Animated Universe featured a string of interconnected cartoon shows that aired in the '90s and '00s. Here's the best ...
What it's about: Bruce Wayne struggles with his own identity while Two-Face and The Riddler attempt to discover Batman's true identity. What it's about: The Caped Crusaders try to protect Gotham ...
Despite buzz behind the second installment of Matt Reeves' Batman universe, "The Batman 2" has officially been delayed for a ...
Well, consider these censor-dodging nasties, the 10 scariest Batman Villains to appear in an animated series.
Arkham’s Barry Keoghan Joker is reportedly going to have a big role in The Batman 2. Then, a reporter asks about a potential legal drama series revolving around Harvey Dent, and that’s met ...
Clark previously revealed the network is developing an as-yet-unrevealed television series set in the world of The Batman. Warner Bros. Pictures has dated The Batman Part II for October 2 ...
This spin-off series of the feature film, The Batman, centers around one of Gotham's most famous criminals, The Penguin. The Penguin puts Colin Farrell back in The Batman’s transformative makeup ...