“A vaginal microbiome test is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of ... See Also 3 subtle signs of a common infection that’s often overlooked — but can raise your risk of STIs Research shows ...
Despite all the buzz about the body’s microbiome and maintaining good gut health, many people may be surprised to learn that ...
If you've ever taken a probiotic, eaten yogurt, or added pickles to your sandwich ... uBiome's products — a microbiome testing kit called the "Explorer." My uBiome test results came with ...
Minimise your intake of red meat ... So when I noticed that gut health brand Chuckling Goat was offering a microbiome test (£295), I decided to post off some poo, hoping for helpful insight.
When you buy your test online, you can pick one of two options – a simple STI test (£99), or one that involves an STI test and a microbiome screening (£129). I’m trying the combined option ...
Research is only beginning to piece together the dangers of stress in the context of our gut microbiome. Photo / Getty Images Your interest in gut health is well placed. Research has revealed ...
From 1,000 microbiome samples ... The technology we have developed is very broad, it can test your immune response against any antigen.
The March of Dimes awarded a grant to further research into profiling the vaginal microbiome and investigate its connection ...
“What first excited me about Microba was the ability to characterize the gut microbiome in a much more precise way, defining which bacteria are in your gut, how many of them and what they’re ...
and a reason to talk to your healthcare provider. rocketclips – stock.adobe.com “By understanding the specific microbes present, a vaginal microbiome test can guide targeted treatments ...