Many of us wonder why Hashem chose to devastate Egypt with ten plagues instead of simply obliterating them with one massive strike. Why endure a year-long display of power, toying with Pharaoh and his ...
Thus, October 7 taught me, and should teach all of us, a sad and unfortunate truth. Sometimes there are people so cruel and vicious, and so persistent in their desire to oppress and kill others no ...
While the commentaries analyze each miracle on its own, the overall thrust of the presentation seems to be that G-d showed an added level of care for the continual functioning of the Temple.
Strange that the last three of the ten plagues are in a separate Torah portion. Even more striking i ...
Moses warned the pharaoh that God would send terrible plagues if he did not let his people go. But the pharaoh still said no, so God sent ten plagues to Egypt. The final plague was the death of ...