New data have prompted calls for the safety information provided with tamsulosin tablets to be reassessed. Blockade of α 1a-adrenergic receptors in the smooth muscle of the prostate and bladder ...
With the addition of Tamsulosin, the investigators would anticipate a reduction in the incidence and duration of postoperative urinary retention and therefore a reduction in morbidity related to ...
These vascular effects can, however, be greatly reduced by the use of the α 1a receptor antagonist tamsulosin, which specifically targets urothelial smooth muscle. α-Blockers are not yet ...
We describe pronounced hypotension in a patient during orthostatic testing while receiving treatment with sildenafil and tamsulosin, but not with placebo. The patient was 71 years of age and had ...
Short-term efficacy of tamsulosin has been verified in many randomized controlled trials. However, there is a relative paucity of long-term data on the maintenance of the efficacy of this drug.
Tamsulosin hydrochloride, a selective α 1-blocker, is the most common medication used to treat LUTS due to presumed benign prostatic hyperplasia and is often prescribed indefinitely, although not all ...
Objective: To determine the efficacy and tolerability of low-dose tamsulosin 0.2 mg/day in Chinese patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Conclusions: Low-dose tamsulosin 0. ...