stick to tamari. Always remember to double-check labels to ensure that the product is truly gluten-free! According to the USDA, one tablespoon of regular soy sauce contains approximately 878 ...
As a home cook do you need to stock both soy sauce and tamari, and can you use them interchangeably? Soy sauce was a staple growing up. The classic red double-spouted dispenser sat next to the ...
Has cooking been stressing you out lately? Take charge of your week by getting a head start on lunch and dinner with these gluten-free meal prep recipes. This way, you can spend a little time on ...
Tamari was originally a byproduct but has since become a prized soy sauce in its own right. It’s often gluten-free, but not always, so check the label to make sure. The lack of wheat and higher ...
It has a salty flavour, closest to Chinese light soy sauce. In the UK, tamari is often marketed as gluten-free soy sauce, and is usually 100 percent soybeans, though it’s always worth checking ...