While it’s safe and effective for occasional use, what happens if you take the morning-after pill too often? Some people assume it’s just like regular birth control, but that’s not entirely ...
It’s normal to feel some hormonal symptoms after taking the morning after pill. Here’s how to support your body and mind during that period, according to a women’s health GP. Taking the ...
You can take Plan B (levonorgestrel), or the "morning-after pill" as often as you need to prevent unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex. Plan B and other forms of emergency contraception do ...
While it is true that a woman, in taking a “morning-after pill” following a recent rape, need not intend to cause an abortion, in bringing about this immediate side-effect of a fatally ...
When journalist Rose Stokes got pregnant after taking the morning after pill, she was shocked to discover it doesn't work if taken around the time of ovulation. She was also surprised to find she ...
Women and girls who take the morning-after pill are to be warned they may suffer a dangerous ectopic pregnancy. The Government's Chief Medical Officer has told doctors to be extra vigilant over ...
If you’re not sure where you are in your cycle and the morning-after pill is your only option, taking it may be worthwhile. After all, you might not have ovulated yet, and it could make a ...
Elsewhere in Europe you can buy the morning-after pill “straight off the counter” Niamh points out, she thinks she’s responsible enough to “read a packet and know how to take the ...
Fearing that they could be trapped into being fathers, men in Kwale’s Diani town are now escorting their girlfriends to pharmacies to make sure they buy and take the morning-after pills.