Synaptic pruning is a crucial neurodevelopmental ... focus on modulating complement proteins like C1q, C3, and C5a, which drive synapse elimination under pathological conditions.
Synaptic transmission, the central process for neuronal communication, occurs when signaling molecules, called neurotransmitters, are released by one neuron target and activate the receptors of ...
In this study, descending control from the Pons and the neocortex will not be contributing much to the synaptic drive and ascending information from respiratory muscles will also be absent completely.
As animals experience new things, the connections between neurons, called synapses, strengthen or weaken in response to ...
c 3D schematic diagram of the artificial synaptic device structure based on ... system with a single device has remained elusive, driving the need for more integrated, efficient solutions capable ...
Synaptic plasticity is the biological process by which specific patterns of synaptic activity result in changes in synaptic strength and is thought to contribute to learning and memory. Both pre ...
Many aspects of the brain’s design can be understood as the result of evolutionary drive toward metabolic efficiency. In addition to the energetic costs of neural computation and transmission, ...