Straw bale homes offer superior insulation, reducing heating and cooling expenses. With Columbia's average home value now ...
A time-honored method of construction will find new expression as a Columbia building company shows off its home built of prefabricated straw bale panels. The house, which its builders believe is ...
A family like that of Jen Frey and Joe Wirbick can find enough space to build a straw bale house or two on a windy hillside near Mount Joy. They started construction of a temporary first house in ...
I had attempted to permit a straw bale house a few years before in King County. The county said: If the International Conference of Building Officials approves it, okay. ICBO said: If you have all ...
JUDY KNOX AND her husband Matts Myhrman say Tucson is on its way to becoming known world-wide as the center--if not quite the birthplace--of straw bale construction. This weekend Out on Bale ...
Instead of the conventional stone building, the health centre has used straw bale — materials made entirely out of farm waste, readily available from wheat farms throughout Kenya — to ...
Carbon-Free Infrastructure and Construction Chris constructed the first permitted straw bale house in Ontario in 1996. He has authored seven books on sustainable building, including the well loved ...
JUDY KNOX AND her husband Matts Myhrman say Tucson is on its way to becoming known world-wide as the center--if not quite the birthplace--of straw bale construction. This weekend Out on Bale ...