Riding this resurgence of interest in Stoicism, I designed a college philosophy class that covers both theory and practice. When I ask students why they enrolled, I hear not only a genuine ...
Dry bones rattle a lonely soul Slipped and fell into a deep black hole I can tell you are lost, I’m here for you Wildfires ...
Practice Virtue at All Times Seneca claimed that virtue is the only true good. Honesty, justice, temperance, and wisdom are fundamental pillars of Stoic philosophy. By living with integrity ...
References Crawford, C. A., & Helm, B. M. (2020). How can Stoic philosophy inspire psychosocial genetic counseling practice? An introduction and exploration. Journal of Rational-Emotive ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — The ancient Greeks developed a philosophy called Stoicism: based on reasoning, self-control and virtue as a path to a good life. Host Ben Hall and Nashville Stoics ...
wp:paragraph --> The ancient Stoics knew this ... warn us not to be satisfied with mere learning, but to add practice and then training. For as time passes we forget what we learned and end ...
This week we’re chatting with Rasha Barrage, author of new book The Stoic’s Guide To Life. Hi, Rasha! If you could recommend One Good Thing everyone can do to improve their mental health ...