Avengers Assemble is created by writer Steve Orlando, penciled by José Luis Soares Pinto, inked by Oren Junior, colored by ...
Image source: Marvel Studios Remember that we’re in a multiverse story where we have beings who can traverse from one reality to the next. Iron Man’s tech in Endgame is one example. And Steve ...
Captain America, was already a relatively well-known superhero before the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there’s no question ...
Mark Waid’s thought-provoking storyline strips Steve Rogers of his most fundamental identity – his American citizenship. When the U.S. government declares Cap a man without a country, he faces a ...
A new Marvel Rivals leak starts an exciting rumor, and it could bring good news for fans of Captain America and many other ...
Marvel Comics introduced this controversial character in the Secret Empire event, back in 2017. In that series, we meet a version of Steve Rogers raised to be a secret Hydra sleeper agent.
Brave New World is set to be released on February 14, 2025, and fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are excitedly waiting for the next installment of the Captain America saga.
Speaking of Superman castings, it feels it’s only a matter of time before Cavill lands in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The actor is no longer playing the Last Son of Krypton for DC ...