Colossal Biosciences has engineered mice with mammoth-like traits for living in cold climates. These mice have wavy, golden ...
But the woolly mammoth is also a common target of resurrection biologists, who aim to allow ancient species to walk modern ...
Today, the gene jockeys at Colossal Biosciences introduced us to the woolly mouse, a extra-bushy rodent they say is the first ...
The mouse is validation that our de-extinction pipeline is successful," Colossal Biosciences' Dr. Beth Shapiro tells ...
When it comes to the woolly mammoth, however, that rule has now been bent. It’s been 4,000 years since the eight-ton, 12-foot, elephant-like beast walked the Earth, but part of its DNA now operates ...
Colossal Biosciences has focused on identifying key traits of extinct animals by studying ancient DNA, with a goal to genetically "engineer them into living animals," said CEO Ben Lamm.
Biotech company Colossal, which is attempting to bring back the woolly mammoth, has reached a milestone − and a very cute one at that: the woolly mouse. The Colossal Woolly Mouse, born in ...
Well, as it turns out, the hunter was right. It was a fossil—a rare woolly mammoth tusk, to be precise. In reporting the find, Sul Ross State University stated in a press release: “Juett said ...