Pivot tables are the unsung heroes of Excel. They transform raw data into actionable insights with just a few clicks. But are ...
Step by step, this book guides beginners through the basic concepts of research and data analysis, to data input and on to ANOVA and MANOVA. The more advanced researchers will find the presentation of ...
Statistics and Data Visualization Using R: The Art and Practice of Data Analysis by David S. Brown teaches students statistics through charts, graphs, and displays of data that help students develop ...
This often takes the form of a null hypothesis, which is a statistical hypothesis that states there will be no difference between observed and expected data. The null hypothesis is proposed by a ...
Many organizations are beginning to leverage predictive AI to speed up and automate statistical data analysis. The science of predictive analytics can generate future insights with a significant ...
Our students become deft and able in data visualization, analysis and statistics, and apply these skills in a wide range of fields in business, engineering, public health and social justice. The ...
The Center for Statistics and Advance Analytics provides support to Boston College researchers related to the collection and the analysis of data. This includes Data Science, Geographic Information ...