During the overnight hours of Feb. 5-6, the moon will pass through the famous Pleiades star cluster while one day past its half-lit first quarter phase. This will actually be the third time in the ...
The Pleiades, Ptolemy's Cluster, the Large Magellanic Cloud — here's how to center the sky's brightest deep-sky wonders in ...
Join the Buffalo Museum of Science to witness iThe Moon Occults Pleiades,i what NASA describes as the imost famous star cluster in the sky,i on Saturday, April 1, 2006, from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m ...
One of the most rewarding objects in the night sky is the Pleiades open cluster. Known as M45, the Seven Sisters, or Subaru, ...
That evening, the Moon will pass quite close to the Pleiades star cluster. Also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, this group of stars is easy to see with your naked eyes. Still ...
Named for the 7-stars of the Pleiades constellation that, in Greek mythology, represents the 7 daughters of Atlas and Pleione. One of the tallest properties in the island sits midway along the 12 ...