Check out the debate over tree staking that erupted on Reddit, involving an image of a large transplanted tree.
Find out when and how to stake a tree properly to keep it standing tall until it can get established. A good support system can help us deal with challenges. The same can be said of trees.
Staking provides support to newly planted or damaged trees, but is not always necessary. Stem attachment materials should be wide and flexible to prevent damage to the tree. Straightening wind blown ...
Linda Chalker-Scott, Ph.D. horticulturist from Washington State University, calls this “rampant tree bondage” in her fact ...
There are different planting and transplanting methods for different types of tree stock. Proper watering, mulching, fertilizing, pruning, staking and winter care will help keep your new and ...
February 25, 2013 admin Uncategorized Comments Off on The adverse effects of staking newly planted trees and other tree-care myths Most homeowners treasure the trees on their property but know little ...
The image shows a small, thin tree with two stakes and mulch surrounding it. Most of the time, stakes are not needed. The Seattle government website states that "given what we know about tree ...