Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing all coral species today, and staghorn corals are no exception. Higher than normal water temperatures cause coral to evict their symbiotic algae ...
Prior research has shown that climate change has been heavily impacting green staghorn coral, which create shallow reefs—they are suffering from bleaching, which makes them more susceptible to ...
For instance, at clam aquaculture beds, the Pacific staghorn sculpin and an invasive amphipod were as commonly consumed as red algae and sand shrimp. In contrast, green crabs at slough sites ...
Thanks to a scientific petition the Center submitted, elkhorn and staghorn corals gained federal legal protection ... these delicate corals from the overfishing of fish that eat marine algae — fish ...
Thanks to a scientific petition the Center submitted, elkhorn and staghorn corals gained federal legal protection ... these delicate corals from the overfishing of fish that eat marine algae — fish ...