The Spy Kids series is a series of family action-adventure films created by Robert Rodriguez. The main plot follows the adventures of two Cortez children who become involved in their parents ...
The Cortez siblings set out for a mysterious island, where they encounter a genetic scientist and a set of rival spy kids. Carmen's caught in a virtual reality game designed by the Kids' new nemesis, ...
The Spy Kids series is a series of family action-adventure films created by Robert Rodriguez. The main plot follows the adventures of two Cortez children who become involved in their parents ...
The Cortez siblings set out for a mysterious island, where they encounter a genetic scientist and a set of rival spy kids. Carmen's caught in a virtual reality game designed by the Kids' new nemesis, ...
Show more The Spy Kids set off on their third animated adventure. Secret Agent Carmen finds herself trapped in a 3-D virtual reality video game designed by their new arch nemesis, the Toymaker.
Films like "Beverly Hills Cop" and "Spy Kids" will live on forever in cinema's hall of fame, better known as the National Film Registry. The National Film Preservation Board announced Tuesday the ...
but it can’t take too long… or else the kids will grow up and it will turn into a sequel to that Paul Feig movie with Melissa McCarthy and Jason Statham (which was just called Spy, you see ...