Nothing beats the flavor of a homegrown tomato! Unfortunately, sometimes tomatoes are afflicted with black spots, which can be a real bummer. The spots can be caused by a variety of factors ...
Leaf spots should not affect the amount of fruit your plants produce. There are three leaf spot diseases commonly found on garden tomatoes in Minnesota: Septoria leaf spot, early blight and bacterial ...
Brown spotting with yellow hallowing caused by bacterial spot in tomato When it first appears on the leaves, bacterial spot is similar in appearance to many other tomatoes diseases Tomato leaves have ...
On the host, spores germinate and infect healthy plant tissue causing symptoms including leaf spots, rots, and wilts that lead to premature defoliation and reduced tomato yields. Development and ...
Two common leaf-spot diseases will likely appear on tomato plants soon if they haven’t already. Septoria leaf spot and early blight are both characterized by brown spots on the leaves.