The sugar substitute might spur on a person’s appetite and feelings of hunger, potentially leading them to overeat, according ...
A growing body of evidence has increasingly linked diet sodas and other no- or low-calorie foods with weight gain — so much ...
Consuming sucralose, a popular sugar substitute, could alter your brain activity to increase your appetite, a new study found ...
Not all zero-calorie sugar substitutes are as sweet as they might seem. New research suggests that sucralose — one of the ...
In Europe, sucralose is known as E955 and is found in sugar substitutes sold under the brand names Candys, Canderel Yellow, Cukren, Nevella, Splenda, SucraPlus, Sukrana and Zerocal.
Imaging scans showed sucralose affecting appetite centers in the brain FRIDAY, March 28, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Splenda doesn’t directly add calories to your diet, but the sweetener still ...