The pains he went to to get the spectrum analyzer working, including a deep dive into FFT, are impressive. The results speak for themselves on this one, and hats off to [Rodmg] for the effort and ...
The NanoVNA made network analyzers cheap enough for almost everyone. Now you can get a $49 spectrum analyzer to go with it. Is it worth it? Watch [IMSAI Guy]’s video after the break for his opinion.
Signal Hound’s BB60A combines a real-time spectrum analyzer and an RF recorder in a 7.63” x 3.19” x 1.19” package. This page will focus on the spectral analysis function of the device. When used as a ...
Note the USRP should be locked to the 10 MHz reference of the spectrum analyzer. The one tone TX test consists of a 0.707 amplitude tone at 100 kHz offset from the center frequency. The tone amplitude ...
The electronic testing and measurement sphere is one that is continually changing and growing. As such, spectrum analyzers have positively influenced both engineers and technicians who belong to a ...
Transform your laptop into a spectrum analyzer with the new PC SignalHawk from Bird Technologies Group. Over a simple USB connection, your laptop has access to a host of spectrum analysis tools all ...