A sound can be fat, dark ... To undergo such an investigation, [Nash Reilly] has been simulating guitar effects pedals in LTSpice. Able to find most of the schematics he needs online, [Nash ...
Chorus pedals can be used both subtly and in an extreme manner, with the former acting as a subtle thickener for your guitar tone, whilst the latter can make it sound thoroughly sea-sick, and with ...
The gear you choose to play for your band’s unique rock sound is important. The tone and atmosphere that make your music ...
Now with a second footswitch for applying a clean boost, plus DIP switches for quick EQ adjustment, the AC Booster V2 could ...
Check out this Raspberry Pi Pico system for a sound-effect pedal for use with electric guitar. Not Rock 'n' Roll but Pitch 'n' Roll.
This interview is a deep, detailed dive into the journey of Universal Audio and its guitar pedal adventure. Which is exactly ...
It is a chorus pedal that emulates the sound of a Leslie rotating speaker – a very cool ... Jonathan Horsley has been writing about guitars and guitar culture since 2005, playing them since 1990, and ...
A sound can be fat, dark ... To undergo such an investigation, [Nash Reilly] has been simulating guitar effects pedals in LTSpice. Able to find most of the schematics he needs online, [Nash ...
The Chelsea Low End Fuzz Driver is a three-knob fuzz with a tone bypass switch and it sounds pretty awesome for bass and guitar alike ...