A 39-year-old father is suffering from a horrifically painful skin disease that doctors can't cure or even definitively ...
That’s because the herpes simplex virus becomes dormant and has the ability to hide from the body’s immune system. Cold sores occur when something triggers the virus and causes it to reactivate.
Both their appearance and how they feel can send messages about what's going on inside your body. If you've found yourself wondering, 'why are my boobs sore?', or 'why have my boobs grown when I'm ...
both viruses can cause sores in either body area. After someone has had cold sores, the virus can quietly stay in their body for a long time without causing symptoms. Later, symptoms can happen again ...
We asked him if he was scared that he had so many sores on his body. "It doesn't like, it scares me especially lately because I was in jail," said Buffenmyer. "And then I came out and I overdosed ...