Baking soda is a natural when it comes to cleaning your kitchen. See for yourself how to use baking soda to remove stubborn ...
Tired of hair clogging up your shower? We tried removing the clumpy mess with two household staple ingredients and the results may surprise you.
Claussen is tuning last year's social media pickle juice viral sensation into a new limited-time bottle Just the Brine, ...
Health-conscious consumers are shifting from sugary soft drinks to those with dietary fibers, says Laura Cooper of The Wall ...
Healthy food is important for children, but what they drink also matters. Dr. Leana Wen explains what health and nutrition ...
The Shirley Temple soda is interesting—I was underwhelmed with the first sip, but it actually has a really pleasant ...
Some fresh citrus juice, like lemon or lime juice, can flavor your healthy soda and deliver benefits. Cuomo says these introduce some antioxidants, which protect your cells. Eloheim suggests ...
US-based sparkling water brand Spindrift launched a line of sodas with no added sugar, returning the company to its roots ...