Surveys from the EdWeek Research Center find that districts' focus on SEL is back down to pre-pandemic levels.
The couple's daughter-in-law effectively told them to back off, and has blocked their communication with their grandchildren.
There are five major social and emotional issues that teens deal with during their adolescent years. These include: In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, ...
Parenting teens as they leave the nest has become more complicated without the tried and true path of college.
As kids reach the teenage, their intellect starts showing up. They not only begin to assess and evaluate people’s behaviour but also make their own decisions on how to react to these behaviours ...
Researchers have recently found that teens who make good digital choices have greater social connections. “This connection is ...
Overuse of technology and social media can create stress, further leading to addictive behaviours and social isolation.
Studies reveal startling trends: adolescents spending over three hours daily on social media are twice as likely to face ...
Developmental tasks that need to be achieved include the development of behavioral maturity and the acquisition of social skills. Adolescents must also learn conflict resolution skills ...
Social Skills - Adolescents Geared towards teaching adolescents (ages 13-20) new ways of interacting with peers and meeting/making new friends. Hosted by Stephanie L Feeney ...