An curved arrow pointing right. Aliaksei Zholner built a tiny working rotary engine out of a piece of paper. The engine runs on compressed air. He was prompted to build the engine after reading a ...
It's not a rotary, per se, but the internals do rotate. The engine. It's a testament to its initial design, as whether it's ...
However, due to the design of the rotary engine, there is no way to keep the oil lubricating the seals out of the combustion chamber. Mazda engines include an injector pump which pushes small ...
The combination of Mazda CEO's rotary R&D announcement plus the gorgeous rotary concept add up to a new 350 hp-plus sports ...
The iconic rotary car engine, thought to have been consigned to the dustbin of impractical technology, is making a comeback in Japan from the very automaker that introduced the system as far back ...