One of the things that SkyCam has going for it is a stabilization system. We wonder if a spinning gyroscope would work as well as it did for that balancing bike.
Despite its technological advances, SkyCam is a relatively old system. Inventor Garrett Brown—the guy who also won an Academy Award for creating the Steadicam—designed it in the early 1980s.
Did you know you have 24/7 access to our exclusive SkyCam network? KETV has 15 Skycams, many with 360-degree views, that you can check out at The ...
Denver7's Ryan Fish got a behind-the-scenes look at the camera technology that is giving fans a whole new angle on watching ...
The Ravens are the NFL's first team to own SkyCam for in-venue game presentation, which will allow them to deliver stunning shots of the action and fun on gameday. Ravens WR Demarcus Robinson ...