Who knows their way around a steak better than the executive ... Also known as a porterhouse and New York strip, the sirloin is taken from the posterior quarter of the cow.
Move the steaks to a cooler spot or turn the heat down on the griddle. Cook for a further 6-7 minutes, turning every minute, for medium-rare. Add another 3-4 minutes for medium-well.
The porterhouse is that beautiful cut of meat with a large, T-shaped bone in the middle—the larger side represents the strip loin and the smaller side is a portion from the tenderloin.
There's a big distinction between a top sirloin and a bottom sirloin. Both cuts are from an area at the back of the cow between the short loin and the round, but the top sirloin is much more ...
You know your boat's come in when you've got a thick, juicy and perfectly grilled steak like this to look forward to. All sirloin cuts should be cooked quickly and over a high heat to maintain the ...
The cheapest cut, bottom sirloin steak or rump steak is from the rear, hindquarter part of the cow and is leaner than other cuts. The strip steak (sometimes called New York strip or porterhouse ...
Good weather warrants grilling. And good steak warrants a grill. Take control of the tongs with these tips from butcher Jason Wachtelhausen of Harlem Shambles. Produced by Justin Gmoser.