It’s rich, flavorful, and surprisingly easy to prepare. Whether you’re hosting a holiday feast or enjoying a cozy meal at home, this brisket recipe will have everyone coming back for seconds.
Cooking up briskets of corned beef is must as metro Detroiters prepare to celebrate Monday's St. Patrick's Day. Try these tried-and-true ways cook it.
Choose a well-marbled piece of beef brisket if you can, as it will be far more succulent than a very lean cut. You can also make the potato latkes separately and just serve them topped with soured ...
Serve with steamed rice, or stuffed in bao buns (see Recipe Tips). Garnish with finely sliced red chilli. Serve this pulled brisket inside steamed bao buns for an easy party food. Add shredded ...
You can make this crispy corned beef hash with very little prep work by buying a bag of frozen Potatoes O’Brien and using canned or deli-prepared corned beef. To make a crispy corned beef hash ...
If you're looking to make a homemade corned beef and cabbage dinner for Saint Patrick's Day, here's how much it might cost ...
Celebrate your St. Patrick’s Day meal with this corned beef brisket with dilled cabbage. Cattlemen’s Beef Board Share Makes 6 servings Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 3 1/2 hours ...