If you're looking to upgrade the elegance of your bedroom, our guide to the best silk sheets can help. See our top picks from Lily Silk, Mulberry Park and more.
As a shopping writer, I have the privilege to get my hands on all kinds of goodies to test. Of course, some of my favorites ...
When it comes to silk sheets, quality is indicated by momme (silk weight) instead of thread count. The higher the momme, the more silk was used to make the item, and the softer and stronger the ...
It’s rare to find sheets that look like they belong in a hotel. These do. “ Don’t let the lack of reviews fool you. The silk anything from LilySilk is good! And if you’re someone who cares ...
I was at my wits end trying to figure out what was causing the issues - was it my shampoo and conditioner, styling products, air quality, or even my bedding? It may seem unusual if you’re used to your ...