Medically reviewed by Roxana Ehsani, RD Whether red meat is bad for you or good for you continues to be a subject of debate.
As it is, convention suggests that bias, if revealed, is about to be subverted. Nevertheless, Should I Eat Meat? (BBC2) began with a recap of the reasons why that question might be answered with a ...
Also known as the Day of Ashes, this traditional day of repentance for Christians, and observed by various denominations, involves fasting and mass.
Ash Wednesday, a festival observed among Christians is commemorated with a ritual in which ashes are applied to the faithful. Adults who are capable of it fast or at the very least avoid eating meat.
Which leads to one very obvious question: should we just stop eating meat?” This question is asked often, and the answers given can be divisive. So, we ask experts – what’s the least ...