The company announced multiple new product releases including a series of compact gas chromatography systems, three UV-Vis ...
Shimadzu Corporation, a global leader in the precision instrumentation industry, and Diagnostics Development Hub (DxD Hub), a ...
Japanese precision equipment maker Shimadzu Corp. said Wednesday that it has begun selling an optical lattice clock with a deviation of less than one second over 10 billion years, making it the most ...
The firm’s 50-day simple moving average is $22.61 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $22.55.
Additionally analysts interested in monitoring nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems or nitrogen discharging from wastewater treatment plants should consider using the Shimadzu TOC-TN Analyzer. The Shimadzu ...
Shimadzu Corp, in Kyoto, Japan. “The stability and robustness of analytical instruments are important in the “test” phase of design-build-test-learn (DBTL) cycles of smart cell development ...
International Labmate meets with Dr. Leon Barron on the banks of the River Thames to find out what changes he’s seeing in ...