Despite having no history of trauma, imaging scans revealed multiple spinal fractures and severe osteoporosis. Blood tests showed high levels of tryptase, a substance linked to mast cell activity.
In addition, osteoporosis may cause: Compression fractures in the spine Collapsed vertebrae Kyphosis (spinal curvature forwards) Severe forms of osteoporosis, on the other hand, may lead to ...
It has been shown to help prevent fractures of the hip, spine ... considered osteopenia (or pre-osteoporosis), or bone density that's lower than normal but not severe enough to be called osteoporosis.
It’s estimated more than 10 million Americans over the age of 50 live with this "silent disease." Here's what osteoporosis ...
Back pain should not be ignored because it is connected to your bones and nerves and it can take a serious form. So, let's know in detail why back pain occurs.
People with severe osteoporosis may suffer a VCF by stepping off of a curb, or sneezing forcefully as it does not take a great deal of trauma to cause a VCF in a severely osteoporotic spine.
Pregnancy-associated osteoporosis (PAO ... Patients with PAO often experience sudden-onset, severe back pain, especially in ...
Researchers predicted the likelihood of achieving target T-scores in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who received denosumab therapy for 10 years.
Osteoporosis, thin weak bones, is common in post-menopausal women and older men. While not fatal, it is a major risk for fractures and can severely impact your quality of life.
Hyponatremia (defined as serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/l) represents a previously unrecognized cause of osteoporosis, say researchers of a new study published in the Journal of Bone and ...
The greatest benefits of these therapies are seen in women with severe osteoporosis who are at the highest risk of fractures. While these agents have not been compared directly, similar efficacy ...