Sweet, calm and loving, Mellow is a fully trained service dog who is currently looking for the perfect person to become his ...
Thirteen Labrador retriever puppies need a temporary home and someone able to help them learn socialization and basic ...
People have been amazed by footage of tiny puppies being tested for their suitability as potential candidates for scent-based ...
The foundation that paired a service dog with the U.S. Army veteran shared a heartbreaking update Wednesday, saying the ...
Bruno, a Standard Poodle service dog, is missing in Atlanta, sparking an urgent search by his owner, a veteran.
The puppies typically remain with their volunteer trainers for 15 to 20 months before moving on to become professional ...
It turned out increased obesity risk in Labradors was linked to the same genes and mechanisms that cause obesity in humans. These gene variants were more common in purpose-bred dogs we carefully ...
Iowa House lawmakers unanimously passed legislation Thursday changing how the crime of misrepresenting an animal as a service ...
After basic obedience training, they specialize as sentry ... Sharing information about the work and achievements of service dogs. Attending a memorial service for fallen K9s.
"We just started the service dog training with Bruno and Kerrie this past Saturday. It's heartbreaking. They’ve already formed an invaluable bond," she said. "Just recently, Kerrie was taking a ...