Start Early. Senior projects can be completed even by advanced juniors, in some cases. If possible, do not delay until your final semester. Also, begin thinking about topics at least one semester in ...
Every graduating senior is required to complete EGR ... and presenting their results. Some projects have been so innovative and marketable that students have turned their ideas into successful ...
The goal of Senior Design Team 10's project is to design, construct, and test an end of the production line torque tester system for a medical robot accessory. The system will ensure the devices under ...
In their final year, Bachelor of Science in CS majors complete either a Senior Design Project or an Enterprise project. Many of these projects are presented by students at Design Expo, an annual ...
Note: while some project content can be confidential, students must be able to discuss their projects openly. The senior design experience enables students seeking full time employment to showcase the ...
When possible WWAY will try to help high school students meet the requirements of their Senior Project through our Job Shadowing Program. The program welcomes students for a session of up to three ...
Second semester of a two semester senior project course. Time: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Student teams plan, research, and design aspects of energy systems, including generation, transmission, and distribution ...
and even help fellow Miami students refine their entrepreneurial ideas by providing technical resources to the project development. Most Senior Design Projects last for two semesters. Consideration ...
Students who major in Music at William & Mary must complete a senior capstone project. This is a semester-long 1-credit course and can be fulfilled in four ways: Production, Presentation, Performance, ...
To wrap up their undergraduate experience at CU Boulder, electrical, computer and energy engineering students participate in a year-long senior capstone project that gives them a chance to put their ...
The fundamental course objective of the AES Senior Projects sequence (ASEN 4018/4028) is to teach students how to engineer a complex, inter/multidisciplinary design and implementation problem in a ...