Use this guide to find all 35 Ancient and Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone locations across both Elden Ring and Shadow Of ...
Use our guide to track all 70 Dungeon locations, including all the Evergaols and Legacy Dungeons in the Lands Between.
Sellen’s Primal Glintstone is a Key Item in Elden Ring that can be used to progress Sorceress Sellen ’s questline. Players can acquire the item by talking to Sorceress Sellen at the Witchbane ...
Once a distinguished sorceress of Raya Lucaria, Sellen was eventually ... who is one of Elden Ring's hardest bosses that the Tarnished will have to face on their journey. Even Latenna's beloved ...
You can take this Bell Bearing to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold to get access to a shop where you can buy the following items: The only way to get Sorceress Sellen 's bell bearing ...
Alexander is one of the many NPCs you will encounter in Elden Ring that has a quest for you ... the Comet Azur sorcery from Sorcerer Azur (Sellen’s Questline). You can also get rewarded with ...