Like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist or forgetting your umbrella on the one day it downpours, occasional anxiety is ...
A NYC dermatologist is now offering brain treatments with an Exomind device, which is said to be a high-tech fix for ...
After this treatment, as well as taking ... a little deeper into the causes of my anxiety, asking me questions about my childhood and upbringing, my self-image and my relationships.
Anxiety requires active treatment, because the disorder itself ... significantly boosts self-concept and sense of competency. On the biological front, exercise raises core body temperature ...
This herb has become very popular in the West as a treatment for anxiety. You will find preparations of kava kava in your local health food store. Take the equivalent of 50 mg of kavalactones ...
Shaker is cautious about the utility of genetic testing and “the burgeoning field known as pharmacogenetics” in the selection of medications to treat anxiety. Subjecting herself to tests, ...
But the means of getting there keep changing. Battery scientists in Europe say one way of achieving these goals is a ...
And this is very common. I see this in a lot of my clients. Their anxiety symptoms, fears, lack of self-worth and self-love, and imposter syndrome as adults stem from the wounds triggered by ...
Anxiety may be caused by a mental condition, a physical condition, the effects of drugs, or a combination of these.
The program provides both inpatient and outpatient treatment for self-injurers. For the rest of her junior year, she was treated on an outpatient basis - taking high school classes at the hospital ...