“Iodine is also in fish and dairy products, but the main source of iodine in the diet is iodized salt. Without enough iodine, ...
Whether it's kosher, Himalayan pink or sea salt, Canadians have a wide range of choices when it comes to salts. But what many of these don't have — or don't have much of — is iodine.
Today, the gourmet salt trend has taken over ... and Biology suggests that most Quebeckers don’t meet iodine requirements without supplementation during pregnancy. Because iodine plays a ...
(Adding iodine to table salt was already common practice in Switzerland.) Two years later, the state voted to recommend salt containing 0.01% sodium iodide, which had "virtually no effect on its ...
When the cure becomes the cause, we have failed . Blanket iodisation without targeted evaluation risks creating more health ...
So, I started with the basics. I can use Kosher salt (no iodine added) in recipes instead of iodised salt. Until my test is completed, I’ll need to stop taking my daily multivitamin, which ...
Eun Lee, MDIodine deficiency is a nutritional imbalance that happens when you don't have enough iodine in your diet. Iodine ...
And researchers say it's time for Canadians to pay attention to how much iodine they're getting. Table salt is one major source of iodine in Canada. In 1949, the government made it a mandatory ...