Annual ryegrass is a good option for horse owners looking to extend the grazing season or when in need of emergency forage during the summer and fall seasons. The annual grasses in our study would ...
Dual purpose (grazing and grain) crops are planted in mid to late September. Because it is a double cropping system, seeding rates, planting dates, and fertilizer management are compromises between ...
Pasture renewal is the process of replacing older, less productive pastures with a completely new pasture. Often this is taking the worst or most ...
Perennial ryegrass, the UK’s most commonly sown species, has three live leaves on every individual plant (tiller); once the fourth leaf starts to grow, the first and oldest leaf dies. The aim of ...
Plant the mixture at a seeding rate of about 10 pounds per acre or more of pure ... reach about 2-4 inches in height or before they begin to shade emerging grasses. 8. Avoid grazing new stands during ...
Seeding grass with alfalfa can boost yield and drying rate while keeping animals healthy ... tall fescue have good fall growth that allows a useful fall harvest or grazing. These grasses also provide ...
Species selection is dependent upon climate, soil drainage, stocking density, and the class of grazing horse. Forage species are classified as grasses or legumes and ... so late-summer seeding is ...
Frost seeding, also known as overseeding, can help to provide a more uniform forage cover, and often with a better distribution of forage availability through the grazing season ... in pastures to ...