A run‐on sentence is two or more independent clauses joined together with insufficient punctuation. This means that there are two or more complete sentences fused into one sentence. Use a colon: a ...
If two complete sentences appear next to each other without separating punctuation and/or a connecting word, they are called run-ons. You have three ways to fix a run-on sentence: ...
Combining two or more sentences without appropriate conjunctions and/or punctuation results in a run-on sentence. Study these examples. My dad came to pick me up this morning my school bag is still in ...
Right: “Naboru likes both dancing and having a quiet evening at home.”) Run-on sentence: Do not join two separate sentences by a comma. To solve this problem, either: (1) add a conjunction (e.g., “and ...
sentence fragments and run-on sentences. To make the distinction, rambling sentences comprise several clauses that are joined by coordinating conjunctions such as ‘and’, ‘so’, ‘or’.
They can also be joined to make longer sentences. Most mistakes occur when joining two independent clauses when using a comma (sometimes called comma splicing) or no punctuation (called a run-on ...
If the comma is left out, a second grammatical problem, called a fused sentence or run-on sentence results. Following is an example of a comma splice, and below it are five ways of correcting this ...