From Tuscany, Piedmont, Friuli, Abruzzo and Molise come hearty red wines from five producers. Grapes include Montepulciano, ...
Italians also have a long history of producing darker rosato wines such as Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo and Cerasuolo di Vittoria. If you can't decide between red and white next time you're hosting ...
SND: Which wines are driving growth for Palm Bay currently? Taub: We’re seeing great growth from $10-$25. Red blends are a big piece of that, and we’re having wonderful success with our Roscato brand, ...
Raisiny: Having the taste of raisins from ultra-ripe or overripe grapes. Can be pleasant in small doses in some wines. Ramato: A typically pale, copper-hued rosato wine made from Pinot Grigio in Italy ...