Break out the rooting hormone. Rooting hormone is usually a substance that you apply to plant cuttings. This hormone speeds the growth of roots that turns your cutting into a new plant.
Rooting powder contains plant hormones to promote growth. Plant cuttings can be dipped in hormone rooting powder before planting. Synthetic plant hormones are used to control plant growth.
Roots have always been of importance as a significant contributing factor to plant's productivity. Root apex is supposed to be the brain of a plant, ...
New research from an international team of plant biologists, led by researchers at the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, has revealed crucial insights into the role brassinosteroids – ...
First, we will examine the concerted action of multiple hormones, each acting in different cell types, to coordinate growth of cells within the primary root. Second, we will use the example of the ...
Plant cuttings can be dipped in hormone rooting powder before planting. Synthetic plant hormones are used to control plant growth. For example, rooting powder contains growth hormones that make ...