For many regions of the country, March is still a chilly month. No need to drink to warm up; a minty vegan hot chocolate will ...
Tonic water didn’t stay in the medicine box for long. The first commercial tonic water was produced and patented in 1858 by ...
It also gave Hires, an ardent Quaker, an alcohol-free drink to promote. While his original goal was to sell root beer to the beer-imbibing miners of Pennsylvania, Hires went on to advertise the ...
Paul Kooistra of New Creation Soda Works in Bishop didn’t grow up thinking he’d get into the soft drink business, but he did grow up with a maternal grandfather who made root beer for his ...
As a soft drink it runs way behind Coke and ... likely starting in Colonial times as a non-alcoholic beverage alternative to beer. Root beer recipes can be found in cookbooks dating back to ...