PUT A DAZZLING POLISH ON YOUR ROCKS with Polly Plastics rock tumbler grit and polish refill. Our one-of-a-kind rock polisher kit contains four different kinds of grits to provide initial shaping ...
Initial tests were positive, with the tumbler successfully polishing some cast brass parts using crushed walnut shells. [VegOilGuy] is still looking for a more abrasive media to use for initial ...
Did you ever go through a rock-collecting phase when you were a kid? I totally did. My parents got me a beginner-level tumbler so I could polish the random rocks I'd find in the backyard, and when I ...
This edition, Olivia interviews Rob Abram who has cultivated, mastered and shares his hobby of hunting and tumbling some of ...
Rock tumbling ceramic pellets are reusable and can be used during every rock polishing grit cycle re-closable seal bags to prevent messy spills and to safely store unused pellets for later.