Sony recently unveiled Toio, an educational robotics toy for young programmers. We all know Sony as an electronics giant, but they do dabble in robotics from time to time. The AIBO dog family is ...
Now she's a mom who also stays on top of toy industry trends and robots. (Kids love robots.) Expertise Consumer technology | Apple | Google | Samsung | Microsoft | Amazon | Meta | Social media ...
January 23rd, 1957, Frisbee inventor Walter Morrison sold the rights to his creation to toy company Wham-O!, setting the stage for the release of one of the most popular toys of all time. But the ...
We’d be entirely wrong to think that Fichertechnik is just a toy for kids. It’s also perfect for prototyping the control system of robots. [davidatfsg]’s recent entry in the Hackaday Prize ...
The results showed that kids' activity levels ... intelligence and independence compared to current phone-operated robotic ...