Also called an "RFID interrogator." The maximum distance between the reader's antenna and the tag vary, depending on application. Credit cards and ID badges have to be brought fairly close to the ...
a demonstration of the Tastic RFID Thief and a quick look at its guts. If you’re considering reproducing this tool and you’re picking your jaw off the floor over the price of the reader ...
If an RFID tag is outside of one full wavelength of the reader, it is said to be in the “far field.” If it is within one full wavelength away, it is said to be in the “near field.” The far field ...
Yes, they harvest energy from an RFID reader and are able to communicate a few bits of data, but for a long time these tags have been unable to provide useful data beyond a simple ID number.
The completely potted RFID reader MCR is developed for easy mounting over a 55mm switchbox or for surface mounting, using the extra supplied mounting frame. A wide selection of software programs and ...