If you are looking to build a simple RFID-based security system to secure your ... of authorized users. If the card is on the list, the Pi triggers the door lock using a signal line originally ...
After that, hackers read code on the card using an RFID read-write device ... “front desk management system” and then a technician reprograms each door’s lock throughout the hotel.
which can stealthily snag the information off an RFID card at long range. If you’ve worked with passive RFID before, you know that most readers only work within inches of the card. In [Fran’s ...
Saflok keycard systems ... card using an RFID read-write device (easily purchased for $300), and then writing two keycards of their own. When they tap those two cards on a lock, the first one ...
Aperio® is a quick and simple way to bring any internal door into an access control system. The Aperio® cylinder is available for rubber and metal knobs, and for many door profiles: Euro, Scandinavian ...