If you notice your jade plant appears to be outgrowing its container—e.g., if roots are popping up out of the soil—follow these steps to repot it properly: Like many other houseplants and ...
Before repotting plants, experts recommend cleaning your plastic or ceramic pots to minimize pests and pathogens. Diseases ...
What Kind of Soil Does a Jade Plant Need Indoors ... Young plants can wait two to three years between repotting sessions, while mature ones can luxuriate in the same spot for up to five years.
Grant your lush décor addition a new home and make the most of its active growing season this spring in five simple steps ...
A: When a jade plant, one of the most popular succulents, develops problems such as leaves yellowing and dropping, watering ...
Repotting your houseplants is an essential care task to keep them happy. Moving them into a larger home gives the roots more room to grow and provides your plants with a boost of fresh nutrients.